02/07/2024 0 Comments
Even though it is September...
Even though it is September...
# News
Even though it is September...
...summer is still here. We have had several hot and humid days lately. Those of us who have access to AC are glad for that.
We know fall is coming and we need to get ready for it. That is what we are doing at the church. Our regular weekly activities and other events are now in full swing and happily waiting for participants.
We still managed to have some special events during the summer which were quite popular. Our Skt Hans fest was enjoyed by many. We went into our park and had a BBQ, a small fire with snobrød, songs, and strawberries and ice cream. The draw for the Lottery was also held. Next, we were treated to a very special service and amazing concert by the visiting choir from Thisted, DK. Funds collected at that event were earmarked for the Canadian Lutheran World Relief for Ukraine and matched by a grant from the church. We presented the CLWR with a cheque for $6,644 which they were extremely happy to receive. Many thanks go out to the generous congregation who made this donation possible. And, of course, we cannot let this summer go by without mentioning that our guest pastor Jørgen Flensted-Jensen filled in for Simon for the last two Sundays of August. We are lucky to have great friends like Jørgen and Kirsten who are willing to take time out from their holidays to help us out.
Looking forward, we are thinking of our plans for the fall. Our Welcome Back fest (Sunday Sept 11) will be a late afternoon outdoor service in the park followed by a BBQ. As well, we are finally able to have a Thanksgiving Dinner again on Saturday Oct 15 – complete with great food and entertainment and a new ticket format. The Ontario Region of the Danish Federation has a meeting earlier the same day. Later in October we will have the special planning meeting where we will look at new ideas to increase interest and participation at our church. We need to open our doors wider for new events and participants – our future depends on it. Make sure you check elsewhere in this newsletter for details on these important events.
Many folks have asked about the fall bazaar status. We are going to have an in-person bazaar again on Saturday Nov 19 – but it will look different than what we had before. The bazaar will be combined with an on-line imports and sandwich order format, and using not only the Royal Hall but also the sanctuary for booth space. Stay tuned for more details.
This is your church and we need you to be part of it. All are welcome whether at the Sunday service or any one of our weekday activities. Check the calendar or website for details. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Please let us know if you can help. We still serve coffee and a small snack after the service – and would love to have help to continue this treat.
Have a wonderful, safe, and colourful fall.
Sune Overgaard
President’s Message September - October 2022.