02/07/2024 0 Comments
Valentine's Day Lottery
Valentine's Day Lottery
# News
Valentine's Day Lottery
As part of the Fastelavn festivities, we will also have the draw for the
Valentine’s Lottery.
Many of you will receive a book of lottery tickets with this Kirkehilsen.
The price is unchanged - $25 for a book of 6.
By purchasing these tickets, you are continuing to support our church.
The process is the same as usual – please refer to the letter that comes with the tickets for specific instructions.
Remember to mail in your stubs or drop them off in person at the church.
You can also pay by e-transfer or credit card, but make sure you still send in the ticket stubs as they are needed to go into the drum for the draw.
Again, this year we have great prizes thanks to donors like
Malmholt Fine Jewellery, and some generous church members.
Check out the list below:
Prize #1 Cash Prize $1,000
Prize #2 BoConcept Hamilton Chair $ 835
Prize #3 Gold Dagmar Cross $ 735
Prize #4 Lego Arctic Explorer Ship $ 234
Prize #5 Royal Copenhagen figurine
“Amager Girl Sewing” $ 205
Please make use of the stamped self-addressed envelope, if you received one, to return your payment and/or ticket stubs.
Should you wish to add a donation for which you can get a tax receipt, this would also be gratefully accepted.
Thank you and Good Luck !!