02/07/2024 0 Comments
A greeting from Ambassador Hanne Fugl Eskjær
A greeting from Ambassador Hanne Fugl Eskjær
# News
A greeting from Ambassador Hanne Fugl Eskjær
"In these unusual and difficult times, I would like to take this opportunity to send my warm thoughts to all readers of Kirkehilsen and the congregation of the Danish church in Toronto. Please know that the Embassy in Ottawa and the Consulate in Toronto always stand ready to assist and advice you and all Danes in Canada.
During the past two months, the Embassy and Consulate have been working 24/7 to assist Danish travellers in Canada in close cooperation with the EU-delegation in Canada as well as other EU and Nordic embassies. We are also in dialogue with the Danish Honorary Consuls, churches, businesses and other communities here in Canada. This cooperation has paid off, as many travellers have already returned home to Denmark safely. I would like to extend an unreserved thanks to all of you who have contributed, helped and supported in any way. Denmark’s response to COVID-19 has caught the attention of the Canadian government and Canadian media. The magazine MacLean’s brought an article about how Denmark got ahead of the COVID-19 economic crisis which you can read here.
In terms of our daily work at the Embassy and at our Trade Council in Toronto, we are unfortunately seeing many important events being cancelled. However, we remain optimistic and plan for better times, when we can gather once again.
We continue preparations with our Nordic colleagues on joint Nordic Diplomacy events happening later in 2020 in Canada – exploring possible virtual venues. The planning of the largest Nordic cultural cooperation in Canada, “Nordic Bridges”, is also moving forward. “Nordic Bridges” will bring Nordic culture from coast to coast to coast in Canada throughout 2021. It is in times like these that we see how important co-operation among countries are. Nordic Bridges will enhance the strong relationship we already have with Canada and build new bridges based on the common values reflected in the four key pillars of the project: artistic innovation, accessibility and inclusion, indigenous people's perspective and resilience.
It is often through culture that we gain an understanding of the times, we are living in, and foster a belonging through participation. A wonderful example is all the artistic digital platforms through which people are connecting with each other while self-isolating at home.
This is also the case at your church where it’s possible to follow the services by Pastor Simon Kangas Larsen on YouTube. In all parts of our lives, we have to stay together by staying apart.
I send you my warmest greetings and wish you and your families all the best."
Hanne Fugl Eskjær
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