Pentacost (Pinse) Video Worship - with a Birthday Celebration

Pentacost (Pinse) Video Worship - with a Birthday Celebration

Pentacost (Pinse) Video Worship - with a Birthday Celebration

# Video Worship

Pentacost (Pinse) Video Worship - with a Birthday Celebration

Welcome to Video-Worship outside the Danish Church of Toronto. 

We are celebrating Pentecost, the day when God's holy spirit is coming to our world - and we are celebrating a birthday! 

Listen to Pastor Simon's reflection about how the holy spirit gives us the possibilities and responsibility to go out in our world to create - to make a difference. 

And sing with Brigitte Bogar two danish Pentecost hymns: A old and new one: "I al sin glans nu stråler solen" and "Gå gennem byens lange, lige gader".

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