02/07/2024 0 Comments
Video-worship: You can build your life upon Jesus
Video-worship: You can build your life upon Jesus
Video-worship: You can build your life upon Jesus
# Video Worship
Published by Kirstine Rasmussen on Sunday, August 2, 2020 8:00 AM
Video-worship: You can build your life upon Jesus
The video-worship is about living our lives in faith and hope with Jesus.
This 8th Sunday after Trinity Pastor Simon asked: When was the first time you meet Jesus? Maybe the first time you realized that the Christian faith, stories and values were essential for you too? Jesus teaches with authority, and today's messages are that we can have faith in him and build our life upon him as a house build stable on a rock.
The hymn of the day is by Grundtvig (#392 in "Den Danske Salmebog") "Himlene Herre fortælle din ære".