60 years with Lucia pageant: At Christmas, we celebrate the return of light

60 years with Lucia pageant: At Christmas, we celebrate the return of light

60 years with Lucia pageant: At Christmas, we celebrate the return of light

# Pastors Corner

60 years with Lucia pageant: At Christmas, we celebrate the return of light

On December 13, we celebrate Lucia in our church - but not this year, where the tradition is suspended due to the pandemic. This year we were to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Lucia tradition in the Church of Denmark. The first Queen of light was Liselotte Østergaard in 1961, and every year since then, the light has been carried into our church in the December darkness.

That is one of the many traditions connected to the Advent and Christmas time of year; traditions all having light as the main theme. The four candles in the advent wreath; the candles on the Christmas tree, and candlelight when we gather for "hygge" during the twilight fall and Christmas. This year we cannot gather for Lucia, but you can participate in the online video-Lucia-worship with the Lucia song and pictures from last year's Lucia-pageant. Despite the pandemic, we can still celebrate that light is more substantial than darkness. [See the Video-worship here].

Christmas is connected to the ancient celebration of the return of the sun and daylight. And at Christmas, we are celebrating that Jesus Christ, the son of God, is born into our lives and the world as a sun spreading light, life and hope in our darkness. "I am the light of the world.", Jesus says. "Who-ever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8,12). 

This year we need to light more candles than we usually do. There is so much darkness to be spread, so let's light candles for each other. Together - and separately.

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness — on them light has shined." (Isaiah 9,2)

Pastor Simon
(Pastors Corner, Kirkehilsen November-December 2020)

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