Happy Valentine's Day - and Congratulations

Happy Valentine's Day - and Congratulations

Happy Valentine's Day - and Congratulations

# News

Happy Valentine's Day - and Congratulations

We had a very successful Valentine's Lottery. With 1,767 tickets sold generating $7,363.50 in sales, this has been one of the most successful lotteries the church has held in a long, long time.

We wish to thank the many of you who participated - as we all benefit from your generous support. And with this success in mind, congratulations are due to all of you.

And of course - congratulations are due to the lucky and hopefully happy winners!!!! Here they are:

First Prize: $1,000 Cash Gift. Carla Perris, Toronto - ticket # 0582

Second Prize: Gold Dagmar Pendant. Hazel Tofting, Toronto  - ticket # 0330

Third Prize: Georg Jensen Oak Bonbonniere. Kirsten Bock, Courtice - ticket # 1985

Fourth Prize: Georg Jensen Pitcher. Natasja Viller, Toronto - ticket # 0914

Fifth Prize: Ecco Easypack. Sigrid Thomsen, Ajax - ticket # 0334

Also a grateful thanks to the prize sponsors: Malmholt Fine Jewellery, Torp Inc and Ecco Canada

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