Are you ready for Spring yet?

Are you ready for Spring yet?

Are you ready for Spring yet?

# News

Are you ready for Spring yet?

I am, and can’t wait to see green grass and hear birds in the trees. It seems like it has been a long cold winter, and I’m sure the Covid lockdown has something to do with that feeling – even though up to January it was not all that bad. It looks like we are slowly gaining the upper hand with this pandemic, but we probably won’t be back to normal until after we’ve all had our vaccinations. Being careful and patient and positive has gotten us this far - let’s keep that plan going and look forward to when we can be together again. 

At this writing, Toronto and area are still in lockdown, and it could easily be late March or even later before we have any opportunity to open the church with restrictions once more. Until then, we will have Sunday Service videos and Zoom Coffees to at least keep us in visual contact with each other. 

Online shopping is now open again. Check the website for the latest information. We are glad that we can reach out to you that way, and appreciate the support you have shown with both participation and donations.

On February 14 we had the Valentine’s Lottery draw. It was one of the most successful lotteries we have had in a very long time. As well, the results of the Fall On-line Bazaar are now available. Thank you for making both of these activities such a success. The official tax receipts for 2020 donations have been sent out with this newsletter. Also, 2021 membership renewals are still available. If you register before March 15, you will be able to participate in the zoom AGM on Sat Apr 24. 

We will be giving a zoom presentation of the sanctuary upgrade on Wed March 17. This will be a final review of this important project complete with comments to your questions. Make sure you read the detailed updates to this and other activities in this newsletter for more information.  

As you can see, we are still very busy planning many church activities that need your attention despite Covid-19 limiting our ability to physically gather. Our church is alive and well thanks to everyone’s support and participation. Please continue to do this as it is not only appreciated – but also needed. 

Best wishes for a happy and safe (and early??) Spring. 

Hilsen - Sune Overgaard.

President’s Message from Kirkehilsen March-April 2021

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