02/07/2024 0 Comments
Updated: Only few pews left for sale
Updated: Only few pews left for sale
# News
Updated: Only few pews left for sale
Due to our upcoming sanctuary upgrade, the Pews, Chandeliers, and Wall Sconces will be replaced. We wanted to give our members the first choice at purchasing any of these items before they are put up for open sale on August 3.
Update: There is around 8 long pews left (12 feet long with a 15 inch wide seat) going for $100 each. '
They will be allocated on a first come first served basis by contacting Sune Overgaard at 416-709-3139, or by email at suneovergaard@hotmail.com.
All the short pews, the the 3 chandeliers and the 20 wall sconces are sold and will have a new use when moved from the church.
These items must be picked up at the church. If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass the word. Contact Sune Overgaard with any questions.