02/07/2024 0 Comments
Congratulations to three Toronto confirmands
Congratulations to three Toronto confirmands
Congratulations to three Toronto confirmands
# News
Published by Kirstine Rasmussen on Monday, August 23, 2021 11:11 AM
Congratulations to three Toronto confirmands
The sky was blue and the sun warm when three Toronto confirmands were confirmed on Sunday, August 22 in Store Magleby Kirke in Dragøer south of Copenhagen. Pastor Simon confirmed the twins Milla and Martin Dubois and Villads Fugl Eskjær, who have all participated in the confirmation classes in Toronto, but they chose to be confirmed in Denmark due to corona and holidays. Congratulations to the three confirmands and best wishes for the future.
There is also confirmation in Toronto on September 19 where four young people are to be confirmed.
If you know a young person who wants to participate in next year's confirmation class, now is the time to sign up. Read more here.